Therapies Used
Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT)
also called…Integrative Neurosomatic Therapy (NST), is a methodology developed by Paul St. John for assessing, treating, and preventing soft-tissue injuries and chronic pain.
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NMT (NST) includes a full postural assessment to determine the muscular imbalances in the body. Treatment is based upon those findings to rebalance the body. In short, the assessment allows the practitioner to create a “blueprint” or plan for treatment. The client is measured in both the standing and supine (lying down) positions.
Not only does the assessment show where the muscular imbalances are, it helps to rule out any structural issues. According to Janet Travell, MD, a small anatomical leg length difference or a hemipelvis (one ilium, or hip bone, smaller than the other) can have a tremendous impact on the recovery process: their presence may not cause the pain, but they do perpetuate it (keep it locked in) and can keep the person from getting well. I cannot diagnose these conditions, but the measurements taken during the assessment can indicate whether or not they may be present.
Another common principle includes how the healing process works (the 5 stages of rehabilitation): The ultimate goal of the hands-on work is to address the soft tissue causes of pain. Many times, the cause of a person’s pain can’t be determined, and that may be because the soft tissues haven’t been thoroughly examined. Soft tissue problems (muscles and fascia) do not show up on an x-ray.
NMT systematically examines the muscles, tendons, ligaments, internal organs, and other soft tissues to eliminate this potential cause of a person’s pain. The restoration of proper posture and bio-mechanics (our moving posture) is also crucial in this process. Improper posture and movement mean that our body has to work harder: if our bones aren’t holding us up, then our muscles have to. Often physiological problems are alleviated simply because the body becomes able to function more efficiently in gravity.
Stages of Rehabilitation
When a person suffers an injury, there are certain stages they must go through to ensure efficient recovery. Failing to go through these stages or attempting the stages in improper order often leads to re-injuring the affected site and possibly increasing the severity of the original injury. Following these five stages in order leads to optimal recovery in the shortest amount of time.
1. Eliminate sources of pain.
2. Restore functional range of motion.
3. Restore bio-mechanical efficiency.
4. Increase muscular strength and endurance.
5. Functional training.
For more information visit
Proprioceptive – Deep Tendon Reflex (P-DTR) is the creation of José Palomar, MD. This work is based on the understanding that proprioception (sense of location in space) and sensations of touch, pressure, hot, cold, pain, etc., and the way the body processes the information from these receptors are the determining factors in neuromuscular responses throughout the entire body.
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Our body is a sensory/motor system; motor function is determined by sensory information. Using a comprehensive system of muscle testing and neural challenges (tapping, rubbing, sustained pressure, etc.), P-DTR can quickly identify the paired proprioceptors that are the source of pain and dysfunction and correct them, thereby resolving the problem.
Most therapeutic approaches deal with the “hardware” of the body (bones, muscles, tendons,fascia, etc.), overlooking the fact that most often the pain and dysfunction we experience are actually a problem with our “software” (sensory or nervous information). P-DTR is one of the most comprehensive and effective techniques I have ever come across for dealing with most pain and dysfunction in the body. This work is amazingly effective and almost instantaneous.
Benefits of P-DTR include:
– Accelerates recovery from acute injuries
– Eliminates lingering dysfunction and pain from chronic injuries
– Increases range of motion, strength, and stamina
– Restores muscle function and coordination quickly
– Restores stability and balance throughout the entire body
– Optimizes athletic performance
– Achieves quick, long-lasting results
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Z-Health is a system of fitness training created by Eric Cobb, DC, that works exclusively with the nervous system.
The central nervous system is in charge of all of the functions in the body.
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Z-Health is a system of fitness training created by Eric Cobb, DC., that works exclusively with the nervous system.
The central nervous system is in charge of all of the functions in the body.
If you want to become a stronger, faster, more agile athlete or just improve your balance and posture, it’s the nervous system that does it.
Your body is a sensory-motor system. Sensory (afferent) messages inform your brain about the world you live and move in, and the brain processes this information and makes a motor (efferent) response. Three important afferent (sensory) systems that inform your brain of where your body is in gravity and space to create balance are:
1. The visual system (eyes)
2. The vestibular system (orientation to gravity)
3. The proprioceptive system (sense of bodily movement and location)
These three systems work together to allow you to move around in the world. If something gets off track in any one of these three systems, it can affect you in a negative way, sometimes subtly, sometimes not so subtly. There can be efferent (motor) issues as well.
To identify where the problem is, Z-Health uses the eight levels of assessment model: receptors, peripheral nerves, the spinal cord, brain stem, cerebellum, thalamus, insular cortex, and cerebral cortex. Once the problem area is found, Z-Health drills (exercises) are used to address the area of deficit and stimulate it, thereby improving performance, sometimes very quickly. If the issue has been there for some time, it can take longer, but steady improvement can be experienced when the exercises are regularly performed.
You can find out more at:
Functional Medicine
Functional Medicine is founded on the understanding that how we interact with the world…
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Functional Medicine is founded on the understanding that how we interact with the world, the important relationships in our lives, and our daily behaviors have a direct effect on our gene expression, and that will over time support health or support disease. This is called epigenetics.
Functional Medicine basically has 2 approaches – the micro-level of analyzing what’s going on inside our body through things like blood tests, saliva tests, and stool tests which look at markers for biological pathways and based on those markers will prescribe things like nutraceuticals, dietary changes, perhaps some exercises. Some practitioners also do neurological evaluations. This level of expertise requires a licensed professional who is a certified Functional Medicine Practitioner.
The 2nd approach is the macro level. This is looking at diet, lifestyle, relationships, work, sleep, idiosyncratic behaviors, etc. This is where the rubber meets the road so to speak and is where Functional Medicine Health Coaching focuses on working with the client.
To locate a certified Functional Medicine practitioner in your area click on the link below.
Functional Medicine Health Coaching is about collaborating with and offering guidance to someone who is ready to make positive changes in their diet and lifestyle.
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Functional Medicine Health Coaching – is about collaborating with and guiding someone who is ready to make changes in their life for the positive.
Coaching is first about creating a safe space for someone to open up and explore what exactly they want to change for the better and how they want to do that. The coach’s job is to help you find a way forward one step at a time by various means to achieve your goals.
As already mentioned this is done by examining the different aspects of your lifestyle- diet, exercise, sleep, job, relationships, and environment. You, as the client, are in control of what you want to focus on and how you want to address it. The coach supports, guides, educates and collaborates in helping you go through your processes of achieving your goal.
To learn more go to

– Robert Barker